The Highs and Lows
I had a picture all ready to post this morning. It was fun, and bright, and it had a cute little story behind it too, but that’s not this morning’s photo.
This morning’s photo came about because, as the children were heading downstairs for breakfast, Bash suddenly burst into tears, said “I feel low!”, and refused to move. The “I feel low.” isn’t unusual. We usually hear it at least once a day. Generally it’s because he’s been outside playing hard, or we have SWAGged some meal incorrectly, or it’s a slightly overcast Tuesday with a southwesterly wind, (read: it can happen for any damn reason at any damn time) but he’s usually pretty matter of fact about it, and we usually catch it when he’s at 70 or so and trending downward on his Dex. (And if you only understood about 2/3 of what I just said that’s okay. It just means that we usually catch when his blood sugar is going low before he is low enough to be worried.)
The tears were something new, he hasn’t cried about diabetes since his diagnosis, and we were quick to check his number with a finger poke. 29. Well, shit. He’s been lower, but that time he was giggling and stumbling around like a little drunkard. This time he was scared and crying, and it was a lot less funny than before. At 29 some people would be unconscious, some people would be stumbling and giggling, and some people would be in tears. There is no one way that this disease effects everyone, nor will it come at the same individual the same way twice, and you learn as you go. This time, for my boy, it was tears and fear instead of giggles.
Orange juice was the fast acting carb of the day, followed by toast and then milk, which is what he’s sipping on here. (Milk helps to stabilize his number after using juice, or another fast acting carb, bringing him up quickly.) It never takes long for him to feel himself again, and he was playing outside at a perfectly acceptable number less than an hour later. Nothing keeps him down for long, and he always thrives.
Some mornings are lazier and less eventful than others, but they’re all good.
Some mornings are lazier and less eventful than others, but they’re all good.
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