Not All Good Mornings

Not every morning is going to be a good one, and today was one of them. By mid-morning, and after an impressive coffee spill which involved having to completely dismantle my computer set up to clean the desk and surrounding areas, I was highly considering crawling back in bed and starting again. 

Since that wasn’t possible I tried to sit down and work on Bash’s reading with him. This seemed to be some kind of cue for Mabel who, despite having been playing happily only moments before, proceeded to have a complete meltdown. I retreated upstairs with her and joined her for a few moments of emotional breakdown. 

Hastily making the bed and clearing up a bit of clutter in our room made me feel better though. It is my adult version of Mabel tossing a few blocks around “Mabel’s Corner”, a little space I’ve set aside in our room for her to play in while I work on upstairs chores. We snuggled a bit, and she fell asleep for a much needed nap allowing me to get a bit more done. 

They won’t all be good mornings. They won’t all be good days, but the sunshine always returns after a storm, and that’s when everything really starts to bloom. 


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