Shortly after Mabel and I made our way downstairs a tousled, grumpy big sister followed, glaring at everything through bleary eyes. She sat, wrapped up against the cruel dawn in her pink bear blanket, silent and scowling, while I made breakfast and coffee. She revived only slightly over toast, and asked to snuggle when I finally sat down to nurse the Tiny.
Mabel is usually not one to share her space while she is nursing, and she’s not shy about letting you know, but today she reached her little hand out and began to gently stroke her big sister’s hair as if she knew that Eleanor needed a little extra love this morning.
I love that they have each other. I know they won’t always be sweet and loving with one another, though I hope they will eventually come back to that on the other side of sister spats, but I’m going to soak it in while they are.
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