Starting Something New

I’m not a morning person. I never have been. The birth of my youngest child changed that. If the sky is awake, she’s awake, which means I’M awake.

I have been participating in this amazing online photography course taught by Kelle Hampton (She writes an amazing blog called Enjoying The Small Things, and you should absolutely go follow her!), and it has me looking at my photos, and how I take them, in a completely different way. During the course Kelle suggested a book called A Year of Mornings. I, of course, immediately ordered it off Amazon, and I was inspired! 

I did another "365" photo project last year when I chronicled the first year of our youngest's (the early bird) life with a picture a day that I shared via social media. (At the request of several of my friends and family I have continued into her second year as well.) However, I wanted to do something different with this one. Yes, it is because of my little one that this Night Owl has turned Morning Mama, but I wanted to take photos of more than just her, even if she is absolutely adorable. Because, believe it or not, I am kind of enjoying getting up early. There is a quiet beauty to rising with the sun, and you certainly see the world in a way that you don't later in the day.   

The name, “Good Morning, Sunshine”, was very simply inspired by the baby. It’s the first thing I say to her every morning. She lights up the dawn even on the dreariest of days.

Some days I will write (another of my great passions) to go along with my photos, and others I'll just share a picture. I hope you enjoy either way. 

Feel free to follow the blog, follow on Facebook, follow on Instagram, or all three. (Or none. No hard feelings!) You can even join in if you so wish. My hashtag is #goodmorningsunshine365

Welcome, and enjoy! 


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