Big Day!

It’s a big day in the Gordon house! Today Michael pins on his next rank, and we get to help!

For those unfamiliar with the barbaric military custom, when folks make a new rank it is customary for them to have a little ceremony during which others, sometimes fellow military members, sometimes family, get to take turns punching the lucky person right in their arm to help “pin on” the new rank. 

By unlucky circumstance Michael has been deployed every other time that he’s ranked up, (Once he was even hospitalized.) meaning that I have never had the chance to punch my husband in a room filled with people in uniform all watching to see how much he flinches taking the blow. 

Not this time! This time I’m ready. I’ve been waiting 12 years for this moment! The children get to give him a good whallop too. To say they are excited is an understatement. 

We won’t be able to take pictures, but I am told that there will be an official photographer there. (No phones or civilian cameras are permitted where he works.) This is one of those moments that will probably live on only in my memory...but oh it will live on! 

And I get to dress up too! 


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